Thanks for all your comments and suggestions.  This is exactly the kind of info
I was seeking.  Yes, Dave, we could do it the "old fashioned way"  hi hi  Different
bands/different modes.  But thought it would be good to have the instantaneous feedback
from a "common" logging system.  Sort of what we did at an M/M station but where we are all "distributed"  ... again, all for fun.  Believe me, we ain't ever gonna win or be competitive.. guys(?) just want'a have fun!!!  :)  Tnx again.  And more ideas are welcome.

From: Fred Dennin <>
To: Dave Edmonds <>
Cc: South East Contest Club <>
Sent: Monday, July 9, 2018 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: [SECC] Multi-Multi remote software?


As Dave said, it’s definitely a checklog situation.

It is possible to set up N1MM so that all “remote” operators are in the network simultaneously.  That may be possible with other logging software too, but I’m not familiar with them.

The Smart SDR software is Flex specific so it only works with Flex radios.  Even still, there are challenges with getting CW and SSB to work remotely, but as Jeff mentioned, it is doable.

I think Dave’s suggestion may be the simplest way to do it, however, all of your operators will not be able to see what’s going on in a collective “live” log.  One way to have all of your remote OPs together for coordination and some camaraderie in this configuration might be the use of a group Skype.

Good luck and have fun!

73’....Fred, WW4LL 

Fred Dennin
Fred Dennin & Associates, LLC

On Jul 9, 2018, at 12:51 AM, Dave Edmonds <> wrote:


How about each station work a different mode and/or band. Basically, there would never be a dupe issue and you wouldn't need to worry about who is on what band? It's definitely a 'check log' situation, because each operator is at a different location. Don't worry about dupes if you 'run' all the time. Also, you could coordinate op activity using texting, facebook group or other online group chats.


On Sun, Jul 8, 2018 at 11:36 PM, Jeff Clarke <> wrote:
I operated the CQ WPX CW contest as a multi-op with the W9SN group. Steve, W9SN, has his station setup to operate remotely. WW4LL, AA4CF, K1ZZI, W9RNY and myself logged in remotely and operated from home. He has Flex Radio's at his station in TN. We used some software provided by Flex Radio called SmartSDR that allowed us to control the radios remotely. He has Green Heron rotators/antenna switches and we used their software called GH Everywhere to rotate and switch antennas. He had a computer at home running N1MM Logger Plus and we used some VPN software so we would all see the log. Much like networking your computer from home but over the internet. That software was Open VPN GUI. Not sure if Fred, WW4LL is still on the SECC reflector but if he is he could probably tell you if I'm missing anything.
Another way people are operating remotely is using the Elecraft K2 and K3's is using the Remote Rig boxes. page_id=465  I think these will work with other radios as well but not 100% sure. You would still need the VPN software to login remotely to to the computer running your logging software.
I think what you are thinking of doing isn't allowed in any contest. Usually a call sign can only be used at one physical location. But you might try what I suggested above if you have a group of people who want to operate together but not  have to travel to one physical location to do this.
Hope this helps...
Jeff KU8E

On 7/8/2018 05:39 PM, Jim Stafford wrote:
I'm pretty sure such an entry would not fit within any current scoring for a contest
but I'm in it for the FUN aspect.  

Is there a contest logging software that will allow multiple home stations to operate as a team on various modes/bands, all using the same callsign.  Think of this as FD logging but not all the stations are networked at the same site.  And we'd need to see who is on what band and use another band with full dupe checking.  In other words, the networking is via the internet.

It's probably right in front of me but I haven't seen it.  

A few of my friends and I would like to work the IARU contest this weekend but from our home stations.  

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