Subject: ARRL June VHF K4WI Single Op HP
                    ARRL June VHF Contest - 2019

Call: K4WI
Operator(s): K4WI
Station: K4WI

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: Alabama
Operating Time (hrs): 24

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  350    99
    2:    0     0
  222:    0     0
  432:    0     0
  903:    0     0
  1.2:    0     0
  2.3:    0     0
  3.4:    0     0
  5.7:    0     0
  10G:    0     0
  24G:    0     0
Total:  350    99  Total Score = 34,650

Club: Alabama Contest Group


6 mtrs was up/down in/out, about 1/3 was on CW rest SSB. KL7YY and AL1VE took my
breath away until I found out they were not in AK my last state needed! My
grumpy old man opinion is that this should be just a CW/SSB test... my 2 cents!
Great fun... thanks for all the qso's 73's Cort K4WI

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