If you are a Georgia Tech student/faculty/staff/alum, you might be interested in the forwarded message.  



Bruce Yang, KN8U/BH4EPL


Georgia Tech Amateur Radio Club, W4AQL 


From: w4aql-members-request@lists.gatech.edu <w4aql-members-request@lists.gatech.edu> On Behalf Of Yang, Zhenhao
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 13:03
To: w4aql-announce@lists.gatech.edu; w4aql-members@lists.gatech.edu
Subject: [w4aql-members] Sweepstakes SSB at W4AQL - Operators Needed!


Dear all,

This weekend is the ARRL November Sweepstakes SSB contest. The SS SSB contest has traditionally been our most participated event of the year, and since it’s a domestic phone contest, everyone (student, faculty, staff, and alum!) can have fun no matter their experience in radiosport. I encourage everyone to stop by the shack (Van Leer E496-A) this weekend, catch up with old and new friends, and get on the radio! Dinner will be provided on Saturday, and lunch and dinner will be provided on Sunday.

The contest runs from 2100 UTC (4pm EST) Saturday to 0259 UTC (10pm EST) Sunday, but you need not be present for the entire duration. We plan to be off-air from 0600 UTC (1am EST) to 1200 UTC (7am EST) to satisfy the 24 hour max operating time requirement. Contest rules can be found here: http://www.arrl.org/sweepstakes

If you are driving: the closest parking to the Van Leer building is Visitor Area 4, at the intersection of State St and Ferst Dr.

If you are new to contesting, please read the contest tips here, courtesy of the Potomac Valley Radio Club: https://www.pvrc.org/Files/ARRL%20Sweepstakes.pdf. I will also be at the shack an hour before the contest starts to set up the station and answer any questions you may have.

The club will be participating in the school category as usual. For the past few years, in both CW and SSB, we've come in second behind Hesston College, KØHC, in Kansas. We would like all hands on deck! If you are interested in participating, please let me know about when you plan to come.

If you’re not in the W4AQL Slack workspace, please use this link to join: https://join.slack.com/t/w4aql/shared_invite/enQtODM3MjAwNjE2NTE4LWRiODJmMWE4MzNlM2UyMTYxOTBhYzg2ZjY3MGEwZWI2OGIzY2FiNzgzNjA5N2MwYmI5ZjM4MGQ1Y2I4Mzc4YzE
as we will be discussing contest logistics in the #contesting channel.

Hope to see many of you there! Go Jackets, beat Hesston!


Profile photo for Bruce Yang



Bruce Yang, KN8U/BH4EPL


Georgia Tech Amateur Radio Club, W4AQL