Looks like conditions were nor as good for cw as it was for SSB. This affects 10 meters the most but W4DD and K4WI both did OK on 10. New cycle 25 spots showed up so maybe the experts are wrong and we will see better conditions than forecast.
Sorry you didn't have good propagation Dave. Don't know if you did the low bands or only stuck with the T-10.
Maybe it was some recent antenna work I had done, but I thought things went very well over here in South Carolina. I was very happy with the propagation and thought it better than the SSB one. Did almost triple the SSB score. I've jumped on the Assisted band wagon and was trying to decide what band to finish out the last couple hours on. There were plenty of stations and mults shown for 20, 40, 80 and 160 at the end -- and those spots were actual stations when I went to them. Ended up milking the JA opening on 20. Picked up several stations in that direction too including DU, AH2, KL, and several VE's. This was my second highest individual CQWW CW score with only the 2015 sunspot peak being better. Couldn't get a run going, not unusual for low power, so this was a 98% S&P operation.
Call: N4XL
Operator(s): N4XL
Station: N4XL
Class: SO(A)AB LP
Operating Time (hrs): 35
Location: USA
Radios: SO2R
Summary: Compare Scores
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 68 13 38
80: 141 15 63
40: 241 24 90
20: 493 31 118
15: 110 21 65
10: 31 10 21
Total: 1084 114 395 Total Score 1,516,820
Don't let the SO2R fool you. I'm a novice at it and probably only made less than 20 q's using it this time.
Noticed Fred WW4LL, Jim, VE7ZO, and crew at Fred's remote station did very well. Jeff, KU8E, John, K4BAI, and Scott, NU9E did great too. Matt, NU4E, set up a temporary 40 meter ground plane in his work place parking lot and worked 485 q's, 31 zones, and 120 countries with his 100 watt single band entry. Congrats to them.
Bencher Skyhawk tribander at 50 ft
160 meter inv-L used on 160 and 80. 65 ft vertical, 60 ft horizontal, 40 random length radials
40/80 meter elevated vertical. 10 40m radials, 6 80m radials. 80 is SSB only.
40m inv vee at 35 ft.
K9AY loops, but laying on ground for this one.