Nice. John, thanks for the early Q right at the beginning!!

Mike / W5JR / KH6RS (@NH6Y) SOABHP
Alpharetta GA

On Feb 16, 2020, at 15:19, John Laney <> wrote:

                    ARRL DX Contest, CW - 2020

Call: K4BAI
Operator(s): K4BAI
Station: K4BAI

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 22:24

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   17    15
   80:  143    63
   40:  215    75
   20:  619    94
   15:   99    41
   10:   32    20
Total: 1125   308  Total Score = 1,039,500

Club: South East Contest Club


Rather unusual for me to be at home for this contest.  For many years, I have
been an op at M/M, M/2, M/S stations in the US, N4RJ, W4AN, NQ4I, or four times
from Bonaire.  Family, church obligations, and sleep came first this weekend,
but did enjoy my time on the air single op from the USA.  160 through 20 seemed
quite good.  15 was marginal to the South and to the South West from here on
Saturday, but was much better on Sunday, with a few northern Africa and Western
Europe being worked.  Listened to 10 a lot Saturday, but heard no signals.  10M
opened nicely on Sunday later morning and afternoon to SA, CA, and the
Caribbean.  I am very thankful for that opening.  Late Saturday afternoon  from
about 2115 to 2345 or later 20M was wide open to Japan and the Far East.  Worked
lots in Japan, Asiatic Russia and two in China (and I heard one more) plus the
V8.  Worked the V8 on 40 too.  Several QSOs with the 5H and 5I operation. 
Special thanks to those who made trips to help us have fun.  And thanks for all
QSOs.  For SSB, I will be with a group M/S LP at VP5M and hope to work you all
then from the "other end."  73, John, K4BAI

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