well, sure hate to miss this one but my announcement 01/01/2020 regarding mixing digi with CW/SSB/RTTY contests still stands. K4WI/NA4W will no longer  compete in any contests that permits FT8 to compete along side the other modes. I skipped the rtty Roundup for this exact reason.  Digi boys want to have their own test.... have at it. I don't consider digi to be a real mode and see no reason why I should be asked to compete with it. This is my opinion and if you don't like it, hit delete and move on. 73's Cort K4WI

Tim Wininger
Tuesday, June 09, 2020 11:01 AM
Yup it's June and VHF activity is on the rise.

So now is the time to find out what those other positions
are on your radio's band switch that being 50(6), 144(2) 
and 432.

                                      June VHF Contest

                    1800 UTC Saturday, runs through 0259 UTC Monday (June 13-15, 2020).  

                                ALL BANDS and MODES  ARE IN PLAY ABOVE 10 MTRS

                                                     Rules @ arrl.org/june-vhf

Most any antenna will work on 6mtrs , 40/80 dipoles etc. Verticals on 144/432 will work
on all modes. Local OP's will appreciate your contact I can assure you and you might even
work some DX (6mtr) if prop gets HOT.

Get active and enjoy,

          Tim , Ab4b
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