
One of the guys I worked probably could have been worked on CW. EA6VQ was +6 dB on FT8. I'm just passing the time in retirement working these guys on 6 meters, but you will never hear me in a HF FT8 contest. In a VHF contest I will probably do some FT8 because you can make some extra contacts when you hear no one on CW or SSB. You probably don't ever what to get into EME because 100% on the contacts are on JT65 which is a cousin to FT8. I've tried some RTTY but got bored with that. I did a few RTTY contests calling people and got WAS and DXCC. Now I just get on RTTY to work new countries on digital.  Take care OM.


On 6/12/2020 03:20 PM, Rick Dougherty NQ4I wrote:
Strutting around like a rooster for an FT8 contact on 6 meters is like kissing your sister....discusting...crow when you work EU on ssb or cw...FT8 is not real ham radio...machine to machine...no operator interaction at all...all you do is hit the enter key...give us a  break...real dx'ing is ssb and cw, not FT8

de Rick (fire away big FT8 dx'ers)

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