I was motivated to start this discussion after NQ4I suggested we talk about something other that digital modes. If you drove by my house you wouldn't even know that a ham lived here because you can't see any antennas. Unfortunately we have a HOA in my neighborhood so a big tower with beams is out of the question. Fortunately I do live on a two acre wooded lot so I can hide wire antennas in the woods. Plus I'm at the very northern part of my subdivision and the neighbor behind me owns a 10 acre lot and doesn't really care about my antennas. I've live here 11 years and not one complaint from them.

The KU8E antenna farm is the following:

160 Meters - Inverted L with 8 full size elevated radials.

80 Meters - Inverted V with center at 65 ft, 130 foot long Center fed zepp with center at 65 ft.

40 Meters - 130 foot long Center fed zepp with center at 65 ft. Broadside NE/SW so it's bi-directional on 40 meters, 40 meter dipole at 45 feet broadside SE/NW

20 Meters - Dipole at 45 ft broadside N/S.

15 Meters - Full wave vertical loop.  See http://kt4qw.com/acan1.htm\

10 Meters - Full wave vertical loop.  See http://kt4qw.com/acan1.htm\

6 Meters - 5 element yagi hanging from a tree at 45 ft. This is my only aluminum antenna.

In the past I've experimented with half squares and a Lazy H but don't have these up right now. I'm to the point now that I would like to expand on my antenna farm  (if you could call it that !) and have some directional antennas. I've though about maybe putting up a quad or dipole array point to EU. I did buy a SpiderBeam once and intended to hang it from a tree limb. I never took it out of the box because it just looked too complicated to put together so I ended up selling it.  I've also thought about buying a tribander and just hanging it from a tree limb but that seemed like a expensive investment, especially if the limb broke and it crashed to the ground.

So my question for those in a similar situation what's your suggestion for a good contesting/ DX antenna?

Jeff KU8E