ARRL Field Day - 2020

Call: N4GG
Operator(s): N4GG
Station: N4GG

Class: 1D HP
Operating Time (hrs): 5:49
Radios: SO2R

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig Qs
  160:    9             
   80:   30             
   40:   68             
   20:  191             
   15:  120             
   10:   82             
    6:    1             
Total:  501     0       0  Total Score = 1,002

Club: South East Contest Club


Well, it's not quite the same from home, but it was a lot of fun.  We had the
traditional major thunderstorm late Saturday afternoon, necessitating
disconnecting the antennas.  It was pretty violent - limbs down all over the
yard.  The antennas stayed up, but the K9AY loop got flattened by a limb.  That
was too bad - when I was able to get back to the radio late Saturday the QRN was
loud and I missed the K9AY on RX.  Sunday it felt like old times with 10 meters
open.  Nostalgia took hold and I broke out the bug and ran with a Lake Erie
Swing for an hour.  Like Field Days of long ago, but with air conditioning.  I
spent 2 hours of S&P and working old friends - then started running.  The
rate stayed around 150 as long as I was in the chair.
There was always someone calling - enjoyable.  Missed: ME, AL, KY, NV, UT, WY,
AK, VI, NL, MB, SK, AB and NT.  Not too bad for a few hours in the chair and
little time on 80.  There were a few of us on 160...SO2R lets me keep an eye on
160 as a second band.  Six was a real disappointment.  The band was open and
everyone was making a racket on FT8...which I avoided.  One CW and 1 SSB station
heard.  No answers to CQs. It's sad what's happened to six.  This was my 59th
FD.  Next year I hope to be back out getting a sunburn.  FTdx5000, FT1000MP, 2 X
ACOM 2000A, SO2R, Wires in the woods.  73, Hal N4GG