To the locals first before I move to QTH.COM.
Selling off the existing 6 meter station....after 60 countries confirmed and 475 grids without too much effort.

Cushcraft 6M3 3 el Yagi.  This is the one they made with a tee-match.  Easily handles1.5 KW.  Excellent pattern.  With manual.   IMHO this was the best 3 el made (I'm a big fan of Tee-matches - balanced feed, adjustable to 1:1 SWR, takes full power+ without excuses).  Also, 3 foot aluminum mast to go from rotor to Yagi.

Yaesu G-800DXA Rotor - as new with box(carton) and manual.  About 70 feet of control cable.  It's been loafing swinging a 6 pound antenna.

1.1KW Amplifier (for 20 watts in).  WSB brick, High Power LP filter, TR relay, switching circuit, 3KW power supply and quiet fans.  Bullet proof 1.1 KW.  Note, this has never been packaged to look good, but it works great.  Runs on 240 VAC.  

Max-Gain Systems MK8-HD 50 foot push up mast - their biggest/strongest.  With guy rings

The Yagi and rotor have only been outdoors 3 months a year for the past few years.  Both are spray painted flat black for stealth.

Not sure what any of this is worth.  Please make an offer for any or all of it while I do a little research.

Pickup in Woodstock or meet nearby.  It's all together at the moment - come by for a demo or let's have a sked.  I am LOUD all over town on 6 meters.

Hal, N4GG

[I feel compelled to add a note about this antenna plus this rotor on this mast.  I have the mast extended to about 40 feet, then the rotor, then the 3 foot mast and then the yagi.  It is supported by a house bracket at around 30 feet- that's the only support.  Our mutual good friend Alan Bond chastises me every time we discuss this (Hi Alan!) - the mast is not intended to carry this load, although the rotor and yagi don't weigh much - it's more a wind load discussion.  All I can say is it has not failed in multiple 6M summer seasons.  The rotor and yagi might be better on a tower.  The mast is a great item for field days, wire antennas or pushing your luck LOL]