See message below.  No matter why you haven't already signed up, now is the time.  I will register the team(s) before the contest starts tomorrow.  Please let me hear from you right away.  73, John, K4BAI

Put me down for NAQP SSB full-time this weekend.

BTW, I didn't realize that you had put your request for people to sign
up for NAQP SSB teams in the "Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contest; This
Week's Contests" email until I went looking for the team request.  I
usually have contests pretty well mapped out for the year in my
calendar, so I often skip that part of the email.  Maybe others are
waiting for an email specifically about setting up teams?

-- Ben Coleman "I love the way Microsoft follows standards. In much the same manner that fish follow migrating caribou." Paul Tomblin