CWops Mini-CWT Test - 1300Z Oct 14

Call: W8FN
Operator(s): W8FN
Station: W8FN

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 1:00

Band QSOs
80: 15
40: 96
Total: 111 Mults = 106
Total Score = 11,766

Club: South East Contest Club


Tried staring S&P on 80 to see how I could do there, with reasonable
results. Switched to 40 for an experiment in S&P to fill out the first half
hour of the session, going to 40 run for the remainder. As expected, the overall
rate was somewhat lower, but not disappointingly so. Running still puts more
QSOs in the log -- no surprise there.

Worked several CWA guys, all very sharp ops. Glad to see developing skills from
the CWA participants.

I had a couple of cases of callers with a bad case of "DX-itis".
Trying to get a fill on a partial call, I was bombed by repeated calls from ops
whose callsigns in no way resembled the one I was trying to pull out. Hint, guys
-- if I send a couple of letters and a question mark and NONE of the letters I
send matches ANY letter in your call, there's a very good chance I'm NOT trying
to answer you! This is a great way to screw up somebody's rate at busy times.

See everyone in the 1900Z session.

Randy, W8FN