ARRL 160-Meter Contest - 2020

Call: WF4W
Operator(s): WF4W
Station: WF4W

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 8

Total:  QSOs = 411  Sections = 73  Countries = 8  Total Score = 61,101

Club: South East Contest Club


First time  working the ARRL 160m contest - a lot more fun than I anticipated! I
started with my 80/160m OCF Friday night and it did OK but wasnt happy with the
receive. I then modified by 6btv vertical to work on 160m by replacing tehe 80m
whip with a 19' wire and turned my vertical into an inverted L - what a
difference! Switching between the two was incredible - still not optimal but not
too shabby for a HOA restricted neighborhood!

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