ARRL 160-Meter Contest - 2020

Call: N4GG
Operator(s): N4GG
Station: N4GG

Class: SO Unlimited HP
Operating Time (hrs): 7:30
Radios: SO2R

Total:  QSOs = 467  Sections = 73  Countries = 8  Total Score = 78,570

Club: South East Contest Club


As usual, I started with "casual" intentions then got caught up in it.
 Planning for the weekend only left 7 hours for the contest. Christmas lights
are always a problem here on 160 and make for lots of noise from the direction
of the neighborhood to the NE.  The K9AY loop on receive was invaluable for
cutting RFI noise down.  QSB was DEEP Friday and early Saturday evening.
Propagation to the north fell off fast - I could not hear any of the VA7s, and
VO1HP was always in the noise.  I didn't bother DXing so only 8 countries.  I
was surprised I could still work and hear a lot on Sunday morning 40 minutes
past sunrise.  (Noted for next year).  Activity seemed as good or better than
past yers.  Thanks for all the Qs.  Always nice to work old friends, two of
whom, W9RE and N5OT, had crushing signals into GA.
FTdx5000 + FT1000MP, shared ACOM 2000A, TX:  Marconi-T, RX: K9AY Loop, Writelog.

Happy holiday season to all......and stay safe.   N4GG