Thanks Kevin for posting and congratulations for what looks to be a top 10 low-power score for the CQWW CW contest. Even though I had the 2 element 40 m Yaqi in 2017, our multi-single team pointed the being inland and ran 300 or more 1 point state siders to build Qs and prefixes. It was much better than fighting the 40 m wall into Europe on Friday night. I would highly recommend that for all low-power people when operating WPX. Keep up the good work.

Jere, KT4ZB

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevan Nason <>
To: secc <>
Sent: Wed, Dec 9, 2020 10:13 am
Subject: [SECC] Every Q counts

Preparing a presentation for next week and decided to include this thought.

Scores start out slow in a contest. After ten q's you might only have a thousand points. The next q, number 11, is worth 100 points. Ho-hum. But everyone gets excited at the end of a long contest when they enter q number 654 and they see the score jump 1,100 points. It's easy to maintain the excitement then.

Consider this. If you missed any q at all anywhere in that long list of 654 q's you would have ended with only 653 contacts. What that means is pulling any of those 654 q's from your log would cost you 1,100 points at the end of the contest. Doesn't matter if it is q 1, or 58, or 387. Every q is worth the same point value as the last one you make in the contest.

After I realized that it became easier to keep my Butt In Chair during the beginning hours.

Kevan N4XL
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