ARRL 10-Meter Contest - 2020

Call: K4BAI
Operator(s): K4BAI
Station: K4BAI

Class: SO CW HP
Operating Time (hrs): 19:01

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   CW:  926    66
Total:  926    66  Total Score = 249,464

Club: South East Contest Club


Had high hopes for this contest.  Station seemed to be working well except that
the beam rotator would sometimes stuck.  I was afraid to turn it too far to the
South in case it would get stuck there.  First night may have been the best
night time conditions I have ever heard during a contest when the band isn't
really open for DX.  I experimented the second day and discovered that my new
inverted L for 160M loads nicely on 10M and I could work the South Americans
using it without having to turn the beam south.  But, Saturday evening, disaster
struck.  Band conditions were not nearly as good as the first night.  With the
inverted L I had hoped to work the ZL and VK mults I missed Friday night.  None
heard the second night.  And suddenly the SWR on my beam was infinite.  No
receive signals either.  Tried 20M and it was the same.  So there has been a
catastrophic failure of my 50 year old TH6DXX.  Faithful servant.  I purchased
it used from K3KG in 1973 and have had it up at two different locations ever
since.  Only problem was once having to the balun (TNX K1TO).  

I have an 88' zepp and a Palstar ATV1500CV tuner.  But it will not tune the zepp
on 10M.  It will tune on the other bands, so at least for a while I will have
only the zepp on 20 and 15 and the inverted L for 160 on 10M.  Maybe I can use
the 40M dipole on 15 also.  Started out to be a good score and now it isn't. 
But thanks for all QSOs and Seasons Greetings to all.  73, John, K4BAI.

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