I got bored yesterday so poked around in the records-summary section of my general logging program DX4WIN and came up with the results for DXCC and WAZ. This log contains almost 144,000 contacts since I was re-licensed in 1973 as K4JYO. My logs as K8OPP from 1960 to 1970 went missing when I left home and moved to Alabama. Think my sisters cleaned out my bedroom and chucked all my qsls and logs! I believe there was some "deleted" countries in there but no way to know for sure. None of these contacts were made using ft8/4.... all human to human. Some will dis-agree but IMHO digi should be separate from other modes and contests and not count along side with the other modes. 


Total DXCC including deleted= 355   WAZ =40

           DXCC              WAZ
Mixed=      340               40
Phone=      339               40
CW=         317               40
RTTY=       210  (no FT8/4)   39

Band all modes (no FT8/4):
           DXCC              WAZ
160=        126               27
80=         114               25
40=         194               38
30=         133               29
20=         333               40
17=         204               36
15=         312               40
12=          53               20
10=         297               40
6=           62               20

This represents many hours of work, effort, and enjoyment for me! Since getting my novice license in 1959 as KN8OPP, the the almost 60 years of playing radio has been one of the most enjoyable time of my life. I would like to thank everyone around the world who I have crossed paths with over the years! Thanks again! 73's Cort K4WI