
On Mon, 12/21/2020 02:28 PM, Jeff Clarke <ku8e@ku8e.com> wrote:
I'm wondering if there's someone in the club would be interested in
being in charge of organizing some Zoom meetings for the SECC. Your job
would be to find people who have something interesting to speak about,
setup the Zoom meeting and be the person who moderates it. For the SECC
to be successful we need someone other than the President (me) to be
involved in running club activities like this. I did a presentation on
the PJ4A station (via Zoom) to the Central Arizona DX Club back earlier
this month. I would be happy to give this same presentation to the SECC
as well. I know we have many members in this club that are very
accomplished and knowledgeable about subjects that would be very good
candidates for a presentation. You don't even need to be an expert in
anything to give a presentation. If you just have something interesting
to talk about related to contesting that would work too. We haven't had
a club meeting in a long time and this might also be the vehicle to have
a yearly club meeting online. Zoom is the perfect application for a club
like SECC which has never been into having in-person meetings. Send me
an email if you're interested on taking this on.

Jeff KU8E

SECC President

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