The Georgia QSO Party will return to being a two day event in 2021.  The Georgia QSO Party is held annually the 2nd full weekend of April. There are two operating periods: 1800Z (2:00 pm EDST) Saturday until 0359Z (11:59 pm EDST) and Sunday and 1400Z (10:00 am EDST) to 2359Z. (7:59 pm EDST).  For 2021 that will be April 10 - April 11th.  Note the URL for the webpage has changed to

I've been contemplating making some changes for 2021 :

I'm also asking everyone to please read the rules. The SECC and SEDXC aren't eligible for the club competition but I still get many logs that list both of these clubs. Also make sure the Cabrillo file that you submit is correct. N1MM Logger Plus is pretty reliable in generating it correctly but others aren't. I'm requesting feedback before I make these changes. Please send me your comments.

Jeff KU8E

GQP Contest Director