Really enjoyed the RRU! I was hoping to work all states but never heard Alaska or Montana .. oh well it was a lot of fun and the bands were packed - never any dead time. I was happy with my station - the 6BTV works great in domestic contests. Only thing I need to add is a second rig :)

Happy to hear all the other SECC members - looks like we had a good showing !

73 de RJ, WF4W

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <>
Date: Sun, Jan 3, 2021 at 8:09 PM
Subject: RTTY Roundup WF4W SO RTTY HP
To: <>, <>

                    ARRL RTTY Roundup - 2021

Call: WF4W
Operator(s): WF4W
Station: WF4W

Operating Time (hrs): 16.5

 Band  RTTY Qs  Dig Qs
   80:   175       0
   40:   342       0
   20:   197       0
   15:    46       0
   10:     0       0
Total:   760       0  State/Prov = 53  Countries = 37  Total Score = 68,400

Club: South East Contest Club


My first RTTY UP - lots of fun! Bands seemed to be OK - but maybe a little
noisy. I wish 10m opened up like it did a few weeks ago for the 10m contest but
no luck. I continue to be pleasantly surprised by the contest activity on the
bands - sure makes it easy to not get bored! I got a late start - about 3am
Saturday morning and had to take quite a few breaks but was able to double my
usual 8 hours of operating. Switched between 6BTV & 80/160 OCF and both
performed well (Except for 80m on the OCF - too much RFI) with the 7610 and my
ALS-600 - I only overheated it twice ;)

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