The PG-UP and PG-DN keys absolutely work with a WinKeyer. As a matter of fact, if the WinKeyer is used with N1MM+ it will be in Host mode and the front panel speed pot will be bypassed by default. I use the WinKeyer chip embedded in my microHAM MK2R+ and it works perfectly. I've also had it work with a stand-alone WinKeyer USB at Field Day operations.

Randy, W8FN

On 1/9/2021 8:08 AM, John Laney wrote:
Many thanks for those suggestions, Kevan.  I don't believe that is possible using the Winkeyer that I use with N1MM+ here.  Not sure whether I would prefer the other way. Think that is the way it was before I got the Winkeyer and was using an old MFJ Memory Keyer.  Hope you will be QRV today also.  73, John.

On 1/9/2021 6:43 AM, Kevan Nason wrote:
Have a great time in NAQP CW today.

Don't forget a quick way to change CW speed up or down when using a keyboard in N1MM is to use the Page UP/Dn keys. By default that is a 2 wpm change in speed each time you hit a key. You can change the default step size to whatever you want though. 

I often use those to match speed with slower/faster stations when S&P or to slow down when a station has trouble copying me while running. Two quick taps and I'm 4 wpm slower. Two more while the TU message is playing and back up to speed. Or for speed demons like Jeff I have to bump it up and then back down!

Don't know if others have the capability, but microHAM devices allow the CW speed pot on their interface units to control paddle speed independently from N1MM's CW speed. You can have N1MM at 32 WPM and the paddles going at 24 if you want. 

Kevan N4XL

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