North American QSO Party, CW - January

Call: K4BAI
Operator(s): K4BAI
Station: K4BAI

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   73    28
   80:  176    42
   40:  410    51
   20:  277    54
   15:   44    16
   10:    2     2
Total:  982   193  Total Score = 189,526

Club: South East Contest Club

Team: SECC#1


Was expecting to be interesting to work a NAQP with only my wire antennas since
the TH6DXX failed in the ARRL 10M contest last month and hadn't worked since. 
Worked with the wires (40M dipole, 88' center fed zepp, 80M inverted vee dipole,
and 160M inverted L) for about two hours and when on 20 turned the antenna
switch to the TH6DXX and heard strong signals.  The beam was working and worked
for the rest of the contest.  So, my high band score is probably a great deal
better than I had expected.  Wanted to hit the 1000 QSO mark, but the crowd was
thinning on 80 and it wasn't to be.  Thanks for all QSOs and looking forward to
the NAQP SSB next week.  Only QSO other than local on 10M was ZF9CW.  15M was
about as expected.  OK to western areas and the Caribbean and not much else. 
20M was long until late afternoon, when skip shortened up and I was able to get
a lot of mults in the eastern part of the country that had been missing earlier.
 40M was as good as I have ever heard it.  On 80, before I ran out of time at
0433Z, was a bit weaker than recent year particularly to the west coast. 
Probably was improved to that area after my QRT.  160M was more enjoyable with
my inverted L that KU8E built and put up for me in December than it would have
been with my T vertical using the 80M wire.  Also was nice to be able to switch
between 80 and 160 just using the antenna switch and not having to fool with
changing the 80M coax.  73, John, K4BAI.

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