North American QSO Party, CW - January

Call: AA4LR
Operator(s): AA4LR
Station: AA4LR

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Georgia
Operating Time (hrs): 2

Band  QSOs  Mults
 160:    7     6
  80:   43    19
  40:   49    27
  20:    1     1
  15:    0     0
  10:    0     0
Total:  100    53  Total Score = 5,300

Club: South East Contest Club

Team: SECC#2


80/40/20m Trap dipole at 10m high
160/80/40m Trap inverted J with 2 elevated radials

K2/100 w/ KAT100 running 100 watts


A quick operation from the Bolton QTH, in Atlanta. I was at the Gwinnett QTH earlier in the day, and spent five minutes listening (no transmitting) to 10 and 15m around 2100z. I heard nothing.

Didn't arrive back in Bolton until 2330z, and then had dinner with my wife. After I had to set up the computer with the K2 and for the contest. Pleased that the K2 didn't give me any weird problems like it did a couple of months ago.

First QSO was at 0025z.

20m had pretty much nothing happening, I made one contact. Everyone was on 40m. I called a few CQs high in the band, but no doing. S & P brought a good rate, but difficult for my pipsqueak signal. Went to 80m and found things easier. A short jaunt on 160m netted a few multipliers.

By 0210z, I've logged 100 Qs and am extremely tired, after getting up at 5 AM and working out in the cold outdoors for much of the afternoon, so I hit the switch.

Conditions seemed to be rather good on the lower bands. Don't know how much I missed on 20m and above.

Very pleased with the 80/40/20m dipole. It was effective on 80m, and held it’s own on 40m. It could be a little bit higher. I may re-string one side now that the leaves have all dropped from the trees.

The Inverted-J wasn't working well on 40 or 80m, OK on 160m. I think I need more elevated radials.

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Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL        Mail:


Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"

            -- Wilbur Wright, 1901