CWops Mini-CWT Test - 1900Z Jan 13

Call: W8FN
Operator(s): W8FN
Station: W8FN

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 1:00

Band QSOs
40: 58
20: 21
Total: 79 Mults = 75
Total Score = 5,925

Club: South East Contest Club


Boy, was Mr. Murphy in the building for this one. Just before the start, I
discovered the Radio 1 amplifier wasn't accepting PTT input and wouldn't go on
line. So I was stuck with using only the second radio for the whole thing. As
usual, I couldn't break most pileups in S&P and couldn't get a run going on
20 meters, so ended up going to 40 about 15 minutes in. 40 was reasonably
active, so I first did a bit of S&P, working my way up the band until I
found a hole to start a run. The run was at best mediocre, and the final QSO
total reflects that. Not breaking the 80 QSO barrier is the worst result I've
had in any session in a good while. After the session was over I tried the Radio
1 amplifier again and it worked just fine. Hope it holds out for the 0300Z
running. See you then.

Randy, W8FN