Jere, KT4ZB, has remodeled his station to make it almost “touch Free” and more user friendly to his needs.  Only a mouse click is required to do any function once the equipment is powered up (yes, even the keyboard is voice entry).  Pretty cool.



As such, he is selling much of his previous equipment including his Ameritron AL-800 Amplifier.  The AL-800 uses a single 3CX800 tube.  I replaced the 220V start up relay and tested it on 160-15M.  It is rated at 850 Watts out CW and produced 900W on all bands except 40M where it produced 800 W. 


The AL-800 amps currently retails for $3000 from DX Engineering.  The only thing in need of a fix is the right meter lamp is out.  It went out after I placed the order to Ameritron for the power up relay.  The small plastic lamp holder easily pops out of the top of the meter after unsoldering a couple of wires.  The replacement for the original lamp is LED and it makes sense to replace both if doing one.  This amp is offered to SECC/SEDXC club members for $1200 minus $100 to replace the lamps, so $1100.


Pick up in North Atlanta area.  Contact me if interested.



Jeff, W4DD