Hello all:

I have registered the "SECC" team for NA Sprint SSB Saturday night.  The members are K4BAI, KU8E, AA5JF, N4IQ, and N4OX.  Welcome to N4IQ who is a member of both SECC and SFCG and to N4OX, a member of ACG.

Hope some of the rest of you who work SSB will be QRV tomorrow 8 PM to midnight on 20, 40, and 80M SSB.  Exchange is both calls, #, name, SPC.  For example:  KU8E K4BAI #1 JOHN GA.  There is a QSL rule so that the station who calls CQ can only make one QSO on the frequency and then surrenders it to his caller.  He then can QSY 1 kHz to call someone else or 5 kHZ or more to CQ again.  The station who called him can make that QSO and one more and then QSY.  That way no one gets to sit on a frequency and have everyone come to him. 

A bit of a difference from some other contests, including some other Sprints.  But the NA Sprints, SSB, CW, and RTTY and the NCCC RTTY and CW Sprint practices on Thursday nights, and the Asia Pacific Sprints, and the European Sprints all have a version of the QSY rule.  Different, but can be fun. 

Happy Easter to all.  Won't be up too late to get to the 9:30 AM church service Sunday morning, complete with masks and social distancing.

73, John, K4BAI.

P.S.  Below is a copy of the e-mail confirmation of our team registration. Good luck to all.  I will miss my beam! 

Thank you for registering a team for the upcoming NA SSB Sprint contest.  Here is a copy of your registration for your records:

Good luck in the contest and thank you for your participation!

73 - Bob KW8N

NA SSB Sprint Contest Manager

Team Manager's Callsign
Team Manager's E-Mail Address
Team Name
How Many Members on Team?
Team Member 1
Call Used
Team Member 2
Call Used
Team Member 3
Call Used
Team Member 4
Call Used
Team Member 5
Call Used