[SEDXC] Tower/ant value

Bill Strickland strick@arches.uga.edu
Fri, 21 Apr 2000 21:40:18 -0400 (EDT)


A friend has been out of the HF action for many years.  He called to
ask me about taking down his tower and buying the whole shebang, 
guts, stuffing and all.  Question...how much is it worth?  I told
him I would as the DXing/antenna/tower gurus in the club and let 
him know what kind of ballpark figure they come up with.  What say

Here's the lowdown, edited from his note to me:


Rohn 25G tower. Up since about 1983.
Ham 3 or Ham 4 Rotor, not sure which.
2 guy points on the tower, 3 points on the ground (naturally)
8 full sections, tapered top, half a section after cutoff
Also has a heavy schedule 40?? vertical mast
Sections are all in excellent shape.  No bending and no evidence of
rusting.  Installed by a professional tower company.
There's the 3-element gym (Gem?) quad, but it needs all new wires.
There's also a side mount with a Ringo Ranger.
That gym quad is a really good antenna.  It "fell apart" because the
spacers (horizontal fiberglass rods that keep the "ribs" spaced) were
installed with black wire ties, and they all deteriorated.  In case you
don't remember the gym quad.......I think they've been out of business a
long time (Canadian).......the elements are in a "V" type configuration
that results in optimum spacing on all three elements (10-15-20 meters).
The first section is about 4 feet into the concrete and is flush at
ground level.  That allowed exposure to dirt, etc., and allowed it to
rust right at the ground level.  I don't know of anymore rust.  It all
looks good.


He would probably help a bit with the dismantling, but would not help
me on the tower.  

How much is fair for me to offer him?


*** Bill Strickland K4DX *** The University of Georgia *** Athens, GA ***
***(Not writing on behalf of the University of Georgia or anyone else)***