Wed, 16 Aug 2000 02:46:24 -0400
We had a great turn out for the before meeting feed with a lot of ragchew
about antennas and DX. The meeting was a full house will all the chairs
available taken. N4NX reports things are coming along nicely concerning his
appointment to a DXCC checker post. We voted to submit an application for
appointment of K4UEE to the CQ HALL OF FAME. We have had one other member
accepted into that group. WB4ZNH, Carl. We will make the submission and
see how it goes. It is not an automatic thing and we may have to try
several times. The membership voted to contribute $500 to the upcoming
Palmyra and then onto Kingman Reef expedition. Late October for Kingman..
They have been rumors that the Navy may nix any further trips to Kingman.
Fritz, KJ4T, kindly made a personal contribution of $60 to the trip. The
program by K4UEE of his trip with a group to Bhutan, A52A recently was great
as usual. Bob and W3WL who was also on the trip, auctioned off some stamps
that they had obtained in Bhutan. One thing we were all glad to see, Phil,
W4GTS was there. He caught a ride with K4DX and his father, I think WA4JZS
from Athens and Carlton. Phil is living with his daughter in Athens now and
is hoping to get back on the air after his illness.
We had a visitor over from Birmingham and K4BAI from Oconee. NN4S and his
XYL from Lake Jackson I believe. His XYL drew the names on the raffle and
yours truly was the winner of one of the stamped envelopes. I neglected to
notice who won the other one there were some many jeers of RIGGED!!!! from
the gallery. We were barely able to fit all the festivities into the time
frame and just got out before they locked the doors. We stood around
outside for more ragchew and a good time was had by all. See you next