[SEDXC] Ga QSO Party, July 22-23.
John T. Laney, III
Tue, 18 Jul 2000 11:25:56 -0700
Hello all:
Don't forget that SEDXC and SECC are sponsoring the annual Georgia QSO
Party this weekend July 22 and 23. Please get on the air as much as
possible and give out Ga contacts (or contact Ga stations if you are out
of state). Anybody with a mobile or portable rig will be more than
welcome to come into the state and operate during the party. Complete
info is at http://secc.contesting.com, including log sheets, county
lists, summary sheets, NA and TR program files, etc.
W3DYA, NY4N, KU8E (with AA4GA), and others will be running mobile.
Others, please let us know your plans.
If anyone needs a second operator on a mobile or has a mobile
rig/vehicle to loan out within a reasonable distance of Columbus, please
let me know. If you can't operate this weekend, I'd like to swap cars
with you for the weekend and give out some counties. Of course, I'd
have to check with my wife first as we have some family coming into town
this weekend, but I don't think that is until Sunday afternoon or
night. At any rate, I will at least be QRV from home if I don't find a
way to active one or several other counties.
Please pass the word between now and the weekend. Thanks and 73,
John, K4BAI.