[SEDXC] Contests this weekend
John T. Laney, III
Fri, 09 Jun 2000 15:02:31 -0700
Hello all: In addition to a RTTY contest this weekend, there are
several contests that you might be interested in playing around in or at
least in helping make QSOs for those who are in the contests.
Conditions may be very poor and no doubt will be weird on HF due to the
recent events on the sun. It MAY, however, give us some unusual
opportunities for VHF QSOs.
1. The World Wide South America CW Contest runs from 00Z Sat until 16Z
Sun. If the aurora is bad, South America may be the only thing we can
work on HF. Sent RST + NA (Continent). You can work everyone, even
your own country. Multipliers are the same as WPX contests.
2. Asia-Pacific Sprint Contest. Saturday, 11-13Z. 15 and 20 meters
only. Suggested frequencies: 21350-21380, 14250-14280. Downside is a
limit to 150 watts. With poor conditions, it may not be possible to
work Asia with 150 watts, but I have done so in prior contests. The big
stations and good operators like these sprints. The station who
solicits the QSO (such as by CQing) must QSY 6 khz before calling
again. I have never had anyone call me, but you can CQ after the
station you worked leaves the frequency. Work only Asia/Pacific
stations. Exchange: RS + serial number beginning with 001. Mults:
Same as WPX (only once, not once per band).
3. Top of Europe Contesters World Wide Grid SSB Contest. A lot of
contesters have expressed a desire to have a contest that includes the 4
digit Grid Locator as a part of the exchange. Here is the SSB world
wide version. Sat 12Z to Sun 12Z. Exchange: RS +
GridField/GridSquare. Example: 59 EM72 for K4BAI. You may QSO any
station, including your own country and grid square, once per band.
Suggested frequencies: 3600-50; 3790-3800; 7040-45 (listen only for
us); 14100-14125 (that leaves us out); 21100-21175 (that leaves us out);
28200-28300 (same). Of course, if DX stations want Grid Squares in the
US, they will have to work or listen in our bands.
4. Portugal Day Contest. Saturday 00 to 24Z. SSB. Send 59 + 001
etc. Work any station. Mults for CT districts and DXCC countries.
5. ARRL June VHF Contest. 18Z Sat to 03Z Monday. Exchange: Grid
Square. (Signal report is optional). 50 mhz and up. Grid squares per
band are mults.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend and at least a few interesting QSOs.
73, John, K4BAI.