Sandy Donahue
Tue, 20 Jun 2000 07:04:15 -0700 (PDT)
Hello Field Dayers-Earn a bonus 100 points. Here's how. Good luck in
the non-contest. 73 Sandy, W4RU
--- Rouse Lowry <Rouse_Lowry@ccmail.ahlstrom.com> wrote:
> Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 09:52:37 +0200
> From: Rouse_Lowry@ccmail.ahlstrom.com (Rouse Lowry)
> To: gaares@gold.dbscom.com
> The GEMA station will be activated this coming Saturday June
> 24th between
> 2pm and 5pm EDT on or around 3.975 MHz. Check-ins from all Georgia
> Field Day
> Stations are invited to call in whether you're affiliated with an
> ARES group or
> a club station. The purpose of this activation is to show GEMA
> officials the
> large number of Amateurs participating in this event and how the
> whole state of
> GA. can be covered by "Hams" in the event of a state wide emergency.
> The
> check-in format I'll be looking for is:
> #1 - List the city or county your station is operating from.
> #2 - The number of transmitters you have on the air.
> #3 - The number of Amateurs participating with your group.
> #4 - Commercial or emergency power.
> #5 - Are you ARES or club affiliated.
> #6 - As a convenience to you and for practice of handling
> written traffic,
> you may send a ARRL Radiogram to our Sections Manager Sandy Donahue
> (W4RU) to
> get the extra 100 bonus points for sending a message. I'll pass these
> on to
> Sandy for processing. (MESSAGE ORIGINATION: 100 extra bonus points
> for
> origination of a National Traffic System (NTS) style formal message
> to the ARRL
> Section Manager (W4RU) or Section Emergency Coordinator (KR4OL) by
> your group
> from its site. You should include the club name, a number of
> participants, Field
> Day location and number of ARES operators involved with your station.
> The
> message must be transmitted during the Field Day period and a fully
> serviced
> copy of it must be included in your submission, in standard ARRL NTS
> format, or
> no credit will be given.
> If you can have APRS running from your Field Day site, please do
> so as I'd
> like to show the GEMA people how APRS works and how we can establish
> communication via the APRS network.
> The GEMA station will use my call sign (KM4Z). We may be on the
> air at other
> times Sat. night and Sun. according to how many participants I can
> get to help
> run the station. You may pass the information to us on any frequency
> you here us
> operating. Just state that you have traffic for the GA. SM and/or for
> the GEMA
> DEC and we'll assist you immediately. Have fun this weekend and look
> forward to
> having many check-ins from the GA ARES section members.
> Best Regards,
> Lowry Rouse KM4Z
> DEC for GEMA
> To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to
> majordomo@crash.hom.net
> and include "unsubscribe gaares" in the body of the message.
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