[SEDXC] A52 Conditions

thompson@mindspring.com thompson@mindspring.com
Tue, 2 May 2000 17:53:27 -0400

Just ran off a propagation projection for A52 (A52A and A52JS).   With
SF=158 and High A and K index
things look meager except for 20, 17, and 15.   Best shot looks like 1130 to
1500Z on 20 (maybe 17 and 15 at the same time)
with a second shot at 2330 to 0300Z.   Right now 12 looks like maybe at
1300Z and 40 only at 2330Z (too much difference between
sunrise and sunset times) and therefore nil on 80 and 160.  No 10 until SF
goes back up to at least 180 or 190 and A and K index go down.

Good luck.  I am looking on 17 and 12.

73 Dave K4JRB