[SEDXC] A52A and A52JS

thompson@mindspring.com thompson@mindspring.com
Thu, 4 May 2000 15:00:37 -0400

They (A52A) are workable from Georgia on 15 and 17 CW but their SSB signal
on 18145 has been weak and low in audio.
KS4Q was calling Thurs morning at 1350 and the signal was S4 here but
between the line noise and the low audio I could hear them but there was
almost no readability.   I can cure most of the line noise with my
multi-level blanker but not their audio.

I did hear A52JS on 21 SSB and its him (he had OK audio even at S3).   Could
not hear Jim on 24 CW.

The best shot is 14Mhz at 1130Z Long Path and after 1230Z on Short path.
VU's have been S9 until the drop in Solar Flux.  I did hear
two VU's SP at 1330 (S6 and S7) today but no A52.   They are 449 on 21024
(ON4WW) at 1900Z Thursday.

17 meters looks like 1300 to 1500 and 0000-0200 with 15 meters perhaps open
the longest but peaking at 1400Z and again at 0100Z.   Forget 80 and 160 and
40 meters is iffy and only at 2330 which is 1 hour past sunrise there and
before sunset here.
The 0100 to 0200 is another chance on 14.  Pray for higher SF!

If you hear them (readable) on 17 and 12 SSB please let me know!

73 Dave K4JRB