[SEDXC] SECC meetings at Atlanta Hamfest

John T. Laney, III K4BAI@worldnet.att.net
Wed, 31 May 2000 14:58:21 -0700

What a great group of club members we have.  Ben prompted the discussion
and no less than three members (K4SB, K4OGG, and K9AY) volunteered to
chair the meeting.  The resolution is that it will be at 12:00 noon near
the bleachers and all of them will contribute to it, but K9AY will
preside in my absence.

Some discussion topics:  l.  Ga. QSO Party.  Jere, KT4ZB, can you get
Dick a sample of the certificate to display at the meeting?  If anyone
knows of anyone who needs a copy of the results and can't download them
from the website, please let Dick know.  We need to use every avenue of
publicity for the GQP this year.  QST, CQ, Worldradio, and the SM3CER,
LA9HW, and WA6BNM contest websites are covered.  But we need members to
talk it up and post info on other special interest websites.  Since we
sponsor QRP awards, the QRPers should be interested.  We did very well
last year on covering counties with mobiles and I hope we can do even
better this year.  Last year, K4PI, volunteered to coordinate that
effort.  I will send a copy of this message to the SEDXC list since they
are a co-sponsor and may want to have input on this or other topics.

2.  Upcoming meetings as indicated by K9AY in his posting.  Volunteers
for Huntsville?

3.  Hopefully everyone will get on for the IARU test this year and work
toward the special WRTC awards for working the WRTC teams.  As you know,
I will be on a team with K6LL and K4UEE will be on a team with N6IG. 
Our identities will be undisclosed, so everyone will have to work every
S5 plus two numbers and a letter station in order to be sure to work us,
Please pray for safe travel for all the participants and for another
brave sponsor for this event in the future.  Donations may still be made
to AI6V or via NCDXF if $250.00 or more.

4.  Field Day.  I will be practicing with K6LL with the gear and
computers we will actually use in Slovenia (except for the power
converter from 220v 50 hz, hi.)  We will probably be in the 1E class
using the software developed for WRTC.  We will either sign K6LL or
K7ABC (Dave's wife's call).

5.  Upgrades.  Any to report?  Anyone know of a place to buy or download
the new Extra exam questions and answers?  Maybe I could study them on
the airplane, hi.

6.  Other upcoming contests and trips, etc.  K4BI and a friend expect to
be at the 8P9Z contest station site the first week in July signing their
yet-to-be-issued personal calls.  They will take down the 3 element six
meter yagi and replace it with a five element to be left in place for
future users.  I need 8P on six, but will be leaving for Slovenia on 3
July, so I may miss Jim this time.

There are several six meter (or general VHF contests) in June and July. 
Six meters has had some very good openings lately.  I haven't heard any
real DX, but read that stations in SW USA worked into Greenland about
23Z Memorial Day.

The WAE CW contest in August is fun and has a club competition which
includes the SSB contest in Sept and the RTTY contest in October (I

We usually try to get up teams for the North American QSO Parties in
August and the NA Sprints in September.  Can we let the FL and Tn guys
beat us?

7.  What else can or should we do to continue or increase interest in

8.  Comments by N1ND or other guests present.

9.  Report on health of W4GTS who is scheduled for surgery tomorrow and
who lost his wife suddenly last weekend.  Rick, N4XMX, please bring or
send a report.  Thanks.

Any other ideas for topics should be sent to K9AY.

73,  John, K4BAI.