[SEDXC] [Fwd: [ The Daily DX ] Conway Reef DXpedition pre-announcement]

John T. Laney, III K4BAI@worldnet.att.net
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 10:23:31 -0700

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Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 10:59:04 +0000
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The following DXpedition pre-announcement may be forwarded to your friends,
clubs or others.
de Bernie, W3UR

Pre-announcement for DX-pedition

Conway Reef DX-pedition 2001

It is again time to turn the beams towards South Pacific.

5 April - 24th April 2001

Covering 3 full weekends and a total of 19 days of time on the Reef. It
also mean that we will cover the whole Easter week while on the reef
ensuring maximum availability for all the Deserving.

DX-pedition plan:
This DX-pedition will feature 4 complete stations running 24 hours a day.

1 Station for SSB  20,15,10
1 Station for CW 20,15,10
1 Station for 40, 80,160, RTTY and  6-meter
1 Station for SSB/CW 30,17,12

All stations featuring their own generators and KW amplifiers. The antennas
featured will be the highly successful Force 12 antennas previously used
with additional setups for this DX-pedition.

As with previous DX-peditions made by our team you will be able to expect
good coverage on all the bands for all areas.. Since Conway is once more
high on the most wanted list in Europe that will be the main target area.
However as proven during the T31T/K operation there will be good coverage
also for those who are chasing band/mode countries... This time with one
additional station and longer time on the reef.

We have secured a suitable yacht for undertaking this DX-pedition already
and we have main part of the logistical support that are needed for the
operation.  Downpayment for the boat is already taken care of.

DX-pedition team:
SM6CAS Nils-Goeran
SM0DJZ Janne
OH1RY Pekka
TF3CW Siggi
G4EDG Steve

3 of the operators have already been on Conway Reed once or twice and as
can be noted the main part of team are well seasoned DX-peditioners.

Additional operators:
Please note that we are looking for 2 more operators to join the team!

This venue is budgeted at a cost of approximately 45,000$ any support from
clubs and individuals are greatly appreciated. As is a normal practice for
our DX-peditions we focus our attention on giving maximum availability by
optimizing our resources to very a high extent.

Regards from the organizers  Mats 5X1Z and Nils-Goeran, SM6CAS

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