[SEDXC] Solar Flare Possible
Wed, 25 Apr 2001 15:23:23 -0500
>A large, magnetically complex sunspot group may produce isolated major
>flares during the next several days. These flares could result in
>category R2 (moderate) radio blackouts. The group, designated as NOAA
>Region 9433, is the return of old NOAA Region 9393, which produced a
>series of major solar flares during March 29 - April 2 (its April 2
>flare was the largest observed during the current solar cycle). NOAA
>space weather forecasters report that Region 9433 has been gradually
>increasing in size and magnetic complexity since April 21 and could
>erupt at any time.
>Data used to provide space weather services are contributed by NOAA,
>USAF, NASA, NSF, USGS, the International Space Environment Services
>and other observatories, universities, and institutions. More
>information is available at SEC's Web site http://sec.noaa.gov or
>(303) 497-5127. The NOAA Public Affairs contact is Barbara McGehan
>at bmcgehan@boulder.noaa.gov or (303) 497-6288.