[SEDXC] K4PI, P5 topics

David L. Thompson thompson@mindspring.com
Sat, 1 Dec 2001 22:13:49 -0500

Mike, K4PI has done a great job as SEDXC Pres.  Thanks Mike and well done!

I am sure most of you have tried to hear the P5 (P5/4L4FN) on 10 or 20
meters.  Ed has verbal permission to operate
and is using a ICOM 706 to a 20 meter dipole.  He now has a vertical and is
readable for periods of time.  He is SSB only but will get on CW after the
Christmas break.  Go to www.amsat.com and select P5 North Korea for the full
story.  Our best bet is after 2300Z on 28580.
Several in Atlanta have now made it.  The big question is will he count for
DXCC?   This depends on if he gets written permission and then
when the start date will be....Those of us who have worked him may need to
do it again!

A sad note...long time QSL manager W4FRU is reported SK by the Nov 30 ARRL

73 Dave K4JRB