[SEDXC] Congrats WD4RCO qso 3Y0C

thompson@mindspring.com thompson@mindspring.com
Sat, 3 Feb 2001 23:18:54 -0500

Dave made it through to 3Y0C on 20 SSB.   Congrats!   Heard both ends 100%

He was NIL on 18135 while working the West Coast.  He was also under QRM on
40 (7046)  I did hear his CW 449 and his SSB 4/4 there.
He tried 3772 on 80 but outside of EA8AK he was NIL there too.  Seems 20 is
still the best band.   If you hear him on 17 or 12 or 40SSB
and he is readable in this area give me a one ringer at 779-448-0588.

73 Dave K4JRB