[SEDXC] What gives????

thompson@mindspring.com thompson@mindspring.com
Wed, 17 Jan 2001 11:54:00 -0500

Yesterday it was the 3Y0 on 40 and 80, today it was D68 on 12 and 17.   The
D68 was again reported on 24952 then 24958 but purely ESP here.  EU was loud
as was a ZS1 this about 1330Z.   Then D68BT was reported on 18145 but again
ESP here.  He even worked W6 and VE7 (the same VE7 who worked 3Y0C on 40
last night).   D68WL was reported on 21298 at 1600Z (don;t need there) so I
went up and sure enough she was just at the S2 noise level and there were
West Coast calling her.  I turned the antenna long path but even less.
5R8FU was S8 at the same time and working East Coast.  One W2 said he could
not even hear D68WL.

My propagation program shows that 2000Z is a peak time on 17 for D68/5R et
al.  I hope they will stay on but they usually go QRT at 1800Z and don't
come up again 2300Z.

I know from past experience that you work EU and Western Asia in the morning
then Africa later in the day so 2000Z makes sense (we even get then well at
02-03Z on 20 (maybe 17).

Go figure conditions!