[SEDXC] Take Note !!!

Tue, 30 Jan 2001 18:40:33 -0600

  A bill was signed into law passed by Congress allowing state and local 
governments, as well as the FCC, to enforce laws against illegal CB 
operation, including illegal amps and RF interference. Amateur radio 
operators are exempt from this new law. Concern that many amateurs will 
still run the risk of being hauled into court on the basis of these local 
regulations by well-meaning law-enforcement officials who don't know the 
difference between CB and amateur radios. While such cases will no doubt be 
thrown out of court, there is still the danger that many hams will have to 
incur legal expenses to protect themselves.. Needless to say a short order 
drill with the locals might be in order !! "An ounce of prevention is 
better than a pound of cure".. Dave - WD4RCO