[SEDXC] Tom Harrell, N4XP...

Dr. W. P. Scott wpscott@arches.uga.edu
Sun, 15 Jul 2001 16:10:25 -0500

..has suffered a stroke.  It happened shortly after midnight
last night (Saturday), and he was taken immediately to Athens
Regional Medical Center after his wife could not understand
him around 2:00AM or a little thereafter.  He had attended
the Gainesville Hamfest and told me on his return on the
OCARS repeater in Watkinsville that he had seen several
of the SEDX Club members there.  He is having no trouble
moving all his limbs, his son who phoned me told me this
afternoon, but is having considerable speech difficulties.
It is apparently located in the cerebellum.  He will be in
intensive care for observation until tomorrow or Tuesday
at least, and so we cannot visit him until he has been moved
to a private room, probably Tuesday or later.  This is all the
information I have at this time and I will provide further
details as soon as I have them.  Let's all pray for Tom's
complete recovery!  Best 73, de Pat Scott, W4NW, Athens, GA.