[SEDXC] [Fwd: Georgia QSO Party]
John T. Laney, III
Sat, 21 Jul 2001 13:24:14 -0400
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Hi guys: Here is a suggestion for next year from K8KFJ that we should
move the SSB frequencies up into the SSB bands on 75, 40, and 15. Let's
pay attention this weekend and see if that might be a good idea for next
year. 73, John, K4BAI.
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Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001 16:57:59 +0000
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To: Michael NE4S <mcondon@ibm.net>
Subject: Georgia QSO Party
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Hello Michael & greetings from the Mountain State...
I have a question for you (which is not being asked sarcastically by the
way). Only as a matter of information, QSL?
Why should I compete in today's Georgia QSO Party when I'm being
excluded from 3 phone bands? 3850, 7225 and 21300 are all band edges
for General Class licensees. I fully realize that they're only
suggested frequencies (and that people will be spread out somewhat) but
still wonder why those were chosen. Check with the other QSO Party
rules of some of the other States and see if I'm correct (in that the
suggested phone freqs are higher in the band).
Anyway, thanks and good luck.
73 //Garie *K8KFJ*
West Virginia