MIKE GREENWAY K4PI@peoplepc.com
Wed, 28 Mar 2001 14:23:58 -0500

Something else I would like to see added to the standing rules is something
governing how we disperse the packet cluster fund.  This is a fund that is
completely separate from our normal dues fund.  It has accumulated strictly
from donations but we have never had any rules governing how it could be
dispersed.  See the following and let me know if you have any comments.

DX Packet Cluster Fund..   This will be a fund that is separate from our
dues fund and is generated by donations.   It is avaliable to club members
for maintaining DX Packet CLusters that serve club members.  A request for
funds must be made to the club stating what will be done with the funds.  A
two-thirds approval by the regular members present at the request meeting is