[SEDXC] Worldradio Subscription Certificates - 2000 GQP

John Laney k4bai@worldnet.att.net
Tue, 15 May 2001 10:09:37 -0400

Hello all:

The winners of the Worldradio subscriptions from the 2000 GQP were
mailed their subscription certificates today and I also wrote W6RWR, the
Associate Publisher, who sent them to me informing him that they had
been awarded.

The winners were the six plaque winners for high, low, and QRP power for
Ga and for outside Ga:  N6MU, WA3HAE, W3BBO, K4BAI, N4PN, and AA4Z.  A
better idea might have been to award them to the second place winners in
each category.  If we get any offered this year, we should discuss how
to award them and then add this to the webpage information.


John, K4BAI.