MIKE GREENWAY K4PI@peoplepc.com
Wed, 17 Oct 2001 09:19:45 -0400

Before I start the recap, I noticed Dick, K2UFT, put a bunch of pictures
taken at the meeting on the reflector which I am sure you will enjoy.
Thanks Dick.
We had a great turn out at Baldino's for the ragchew.  There were at least
18  there.  There was a full house at the meeting room.  At the meeting we
had out of town members from Athens, Columbus, and Mt. Julliette.  We also
had a couple of old friends that we had not seen in a long time.  Bruce,
W4BFR, and his xyl Florence, N4TNZ.  Nancy, NK4U,  was nice enough to pick
them up and bring them to the meeting.  After intros, Tom , N4XP presented
some certificates of appreciation to those that helped in getting the K5K
QSL's out.  A special plaque was give to Nancy , NK4U for here special
efforts on the K5K QSL's.Jim, W4TE gave an update on the items that he
ordered for the club.  He said the order was for $1700. WOW!  That's a lot
shirts and jackets.  I hope we can see a lot of those at one of the coming
 My hat is off to Jim for all his work on this effort.  Our program was by
N4XMX and
myself on how to track the QSL from the QSO to receipt and how to keep it
where you can find it when you need it.  Rick did the computerized version
I did the paper version.  We had input from members on what different
they used.  Sandy, W4RU. asked what we thought about the stance that the
IARU is now taking on CW which is the elimination of the requirement of CW
below 30 Mhz.  He wanted some input to carry to the ARRL.   THe club did not
make a motion but the overall consensus by a show of hands was that we do
not support the removal.  If you have some comments please send them to
Sandy, W4RU.  We voted to cancel the December meeting as we usually do.
There was a comment as to whether there might be a Christmas party of some
sort.  There were no volunteers to take up the cause.  We adjourned around 9