[SEDXC] Telnet Access for Cluster

Ernie KS4Q Ernie KS4Q" <erniez@hatcreekcopy.com
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 22:07:20 -0400

We now have telnet access for the KS4Q DX Cluster.  Here is the address:
After battling with the firewall in my router, I've finally poked a hole it
it and have confirmed that it works!
Port number is the standard telnet port # 23.

We also have access now on 144.95 Mhz at 2400 bps.  This station is also
located on Sawnee Mtn.  The connection syntax is 'c cdx'  wait for the ack
then type 'dx'

73, Ernie KS4Q