[SEDXC] KS4Q DX Cluster and your TNC; Please Read!

Ernie Ernie" <erniez@hatcreekcopy.com
Sun, 2 Sep 2001 14:03:20 -0400

This is directed at all users of the KS4Q DX packetcluster.  It 'may' help
some of you to stay connected.  However, it would be best that EVERYONE that
uses the cluster check their settings and adjust them to what is suggested
in the attached document....even those of you that stay connected for days
at a time may be a little part of the problem.

More than likely what is happening is that some or most of your packet
acknowledgements are getting trampled by another station.  In this case, it
may help to be a little less aggressive as another station that is stronger
will always win.

Please consult that attached web site which Bary Fay, W4NS wrote a few years
ago.  It is a wonderful guide that can help you get your TNC set up
properly.  Because Sawnee can hear all of you, but all of you can't hear
each other, it is essential that you try to maximize the randomness of your
transmissions to Sawnee.  The FM capture effect being what it is, only one
of you will win at a time...it is best that you not try to all cross through
the 'doorway' at one time. Properly adjusting your TNC settings will help

The link to the TNC settings of Bart Fay, W4NS is:


Thanks, Ernie KS4Q