[SEDXC] TIi9 Information
Wed, 05 Sep 2001 17:37:46 -0500
FYI...... Dave - WD4RCO
>Cocos Islands (TI9) is the largest (47 sq. km.) uninhabited island in
>the world and has slowly been creeping up the most wanted lists over
>the past few years. This Costa Rican island is located at 5 32' North
>87 04' West and is 375 miles southwest of the mainland. Henry
>Grunbeck, TI2HMG, is now planning a DXpedition to the island, with
>other operators, from February 4 to 19, 2002. The main goal of this
>operation is to provide as many stations with a new country. The last
>DXpedition to this semi-rare island was in 1997 by TI9CF and TI9JJP.
>Activity is expected on 6 through 160 meters on CW, SSB and RTTY. The
>group expects to use TI9M and have 4 stations with one dedicated to
>RTTY. A web site has been set up at