[SEDXC] [Fwd: [CQ-Contest] NA Sprint SSB this weekend cancelled]

John Laney k4bai@worldnet.att.net
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 14:23:27 -0400

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Hello all:

Here is the official announcement from K4MA, SSB Sprint Manager for NCJ,
that the SSB Sprint scheduled for tomorrow night is cancelled to avoid
interference with emergency nets.

I assume other contests, such as Wash Salmon Run, AF Contest, Tenn QSO
Party, QRP contest that are going on on SSB also this weekend will
continue.  Let's be careful to listen for and avoid net frequencies. 
This should be easily done in the other contests which do not have the
QSY rules that the Sprint does.


John, K4BAI.

P.S.  Don't forget the Ala QSO Party scheduled for Sept 29.  Many of us
are close enough to Ala that we can mobile over there or can visit an AL
friend who would not otherwise be on the air and help with activity in
that contest, which is now being administered by SECC members KV4T and
KS4YT.  My plan is to be mobile in as many counties as possible that
Saturday with a truck and mobile rig very kindly loaned to me by KO4RR
and N4WV.  I don't have the webpage for info in front of me here at
work, but if any of you need it, please send me an e-mail.
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Subject: [CQ-Contest] NA Sprint SSB this weekend cancelled
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> I am not able to post to the reflectors at this time, so please post this 
> message for me to the appropriate places. 
> As SSB Sprint Manager, I am cancelling the SSB Sprint scheduled for 9/16 0000Z. 
> This is being done in respect to all affected by this week's events, and also to eliminate 
> any possibility of interference from the contest with emergency communication that 
> may be going on. 
> Thank you and 73, 
> Jim Stevens, K4MA 
> Regards, 
> Jim Stevens 
> Program Manager, Microsoft Business Relationship 
> IBM Personal Computer Division 
> 919-543-7641 
> Fax: 919-543-0391 
> Internet: jimste@us.ibm.com

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Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST@contesting.com
