[SEDXC] Fwd: K4BB Endorses W4RU for ARRL SE Vice Director!

Sandy Donahue w4ru@yahoo.com
Wed, 19 Sep 2001 21:05:38 -0700 (PDT)

I am forwarding this fine affirmation of my Vice Director candidacy. To
see others visit the endorsement page at http://www.w4ru.com. 73 Sandy,
W4RU, campaigning in Florida
--- Bob Beeman <K4BB@arrl.net> wrote:
> Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 23:56:58 -0400
> To: nfarl@yahoogroups.com,gars@yahoogroups.com
> From: Bob Beeman <K4BB@arrl.net>
> Subject: K4BB Endorses W4RU for ARRL SE Vice Director!
> I am the guy who hogs the North Fulton Amateur Radio League repeater
> during 
> the morning commute, arguing both sides of all issues, and who is
> always 
> right.
> I am also a long-time Radio Amateur whose Ham Radio activity has run
> hot 
> and cold since I got my first license in 1961.  Getting through
> college, 
> getting married, having a kid, getting through graduate school, 
> having a 
> kid, getting soaked with college tuition for two kids (the youngest
> is only 
> a sophomore!), and working 12 hour days in my career have limited my
> Ham 
> activity.  Sometimes you have to forsake Amateur interests for
> professional 
> and family considerations.  There are a lot of Hams just like me.
> Now that you know I am just Mr. Average Ham-Radio Guy, I will make my
> statement about Sandy Donahue, W4RU.
> Sandy and I first met at an organizational meeting of an Institute of
> Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) committee whose job was
> to 
> plan, organize, and host hundreds of Engineers at the IEEE Vehicular 
> Technology Conference in Atlanta in 1996.  This was a prestigious 
> international conference where technologies were presented which are
> only 
> now being introduced in the PCS industry.  My job was to raise money 
> through corporate sponsors, and Sandy's job was to organize the 
> entertainment events.  These were not trivial jobs.
> Sandy was invited to serve on the committee because of his proven
> ability 
> to get things done, both diplomatically and effectively.  His job was
> more 
> than negotiating the price of shrimp cocktails at the hospitality 
> events.  He had to coordinate people, facilities, and activities for 
> hundreds of picky engineers (and their spouses) from countries all
> over the 
> world, and to manage all this within a tight budget!  This was
> volunteer 
> work, outside of Amateur Radio, done well, with no boasting about
> this 
> meritorious accomplishment.
> My choice for Vice Director is not based on how many items are on a 
> candidate's resume or how many emails hit the reflectors.  It is
> based on 
> knowledge of a candidate's accomplishments!  Sometimes you have to
> look 
> past the resume to see the real person, and I think I know the real
> Sandy 
> Donahue.
> So, just to set the record straight, Sandy is more than just a Ham 
> operator.  He is an asset to his community, the region, and to
> Amateur 
> Radio.  Experience means a lot, and meaningful accomplishments are 
> important when choosing a candidate.  That is why I am voting for
> Sandy.
> Respectfully,
> Bob Beeman
> K4BB
> k4bb@arrl.net

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